Our Capabilities

Data Visualization

Drawing meaning and significance from raw data is an essential elemement of scientific investigation.  Effectively, communicating those insights to professionals, and ultimately the public, can be strongly supported by impactful data visualizations such as graphs, tables, maps, models and illustrations.  We can help you develop effective data visualizations that support key conclusions and new scientic learning. From research papers to magazine articles, impactful graphics facilitate understanding and deliver stronger impact.

Video Content

Often, complex biological or chemical processes can best be demonstrated to both scientific and lay audiences through short videos that bring these processes to life. We can help you demonstrate important mode of action and process inprovements to help audiences better understand the benefits of new products, devices, pharmaceuticals or breakthrough technologies. Video content on websites and social media as well as in presentations or professional desk-side briefings can greatly improve understanding and drive technology adoption.

Patient Education

Effective patient education can help allay worries and drive better complience by helping patients and their families better understand the complexities of diseases and medical conditions as well as how recommended therapies and procedures can improve their health or reduce the day-to-day impact of symptoms.  Effective explanations combined with instuctive graphics can help you produce educational materials that will support efforts yo produce better medical outcomes for patients.

White Papers, Reports and Other Publications

White papers and other publications can be instrumental in introducing new technologies, products, devices or practices to a variety of professional and scientific audiences.  It is difficult for busy professionals to keep up with the vast amount of new areas of research and the latest breakthroughs in applied science.  Effective white papers, reports and brochures can help bridge the gap by effectively summarizing this information and tp build fuller understanding  of new scientific insights and how it is driving innovation.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira +1-914-684-4408
Mercury Group 2020